Unknown Speices of Insect ~ Moth
I have found a rare unknown speices that i never seen before that was laying on my wall outside the house at night it seem be very different speices and i want to find out what kind this is insect is. please take look this pictures and tell me what u know this is thanks.
Lots of sex is key to honeybee survival
Photo: Ryan Wick/Flickr There are very few situations where female royalty is encouraged to have multiple sexual partners. Okay, that probably never happens. But in the case of honeybees, it's key to their survival. At least that's what some researchers hope to prove. Scientists from the Univers...
Dj Quiva
Logan the Fly
I always thought that a fly's face looks like a baseball being pulled apart at the seams. In fact, I get so distractd by that split and those eyes and that mouth that I've failed to notice the fly's sideburns. Shame on me. So Steve named this fly Logan (of Wolverine fame, for you non-nerds). Aptly named, t...
Dj Quiva
Roaches are insects of the order Blattaria.This name derives from the Latin name for the insect, Blatta. There are about 4,000 species of cockroach, of which 30 species are associated with human habitations and about four species are well known as pests Among the best-known pest species are the Ame...
Feasting caterpillars take over car
What do you do if you're an ermine moth larvae and you and your horde have run out of trees to defoliate? If you're in the Dutch city of Rotterdam, you turn to automobiles. Photo source: NGM Blog Central This is the scene the Dutch woke up to one late Spring day. They immediately thought they were under sie...
Dj Quiva
Killer moths :D yes there are killer moths
A moth that can be deadly to humans and strips the leaves off oak trees has been found breeding in Britain in what scientists are saying is the result of climate change.yea they do look big i guess =\The Oak processionary moth is believed to have arrived in oak trees imported from Tuscany and planted on a...
Crane Fly Myth Dispelled
You're looking at a close up of a crane fly, though you may know it as a mosquito eater or a mosquito hawk. The fear center of my brain knows them as flying spiders. I'm here to dispel a myth, a myth that I have believed up until about five minutes ago (I'm an office monkey, not a biologist, so cut me some slack...
Dj Quiva
I'm still consistently amazed at how often I'm directed to a new species of ugly, and this after almost four years of daily blogging. It's the trilobite beetle of Asia. Photo source: ExoBeetles.de These rare and endangered beetles can sometimes be spotted undulating in rotting wood after a rain. Bu...
Dj Quiva
Boy finds rare pink grasshopper
Daniel Tate, an English schoolboy, was looking for grasshoppers at a wildlife event he attended with his great-grandfather last week. But the 11-year old boy and his companions at Seaton Marshes Local Nature Reserve had no idea what a huge surprise they were in for. Tate saw something pink that he th...
Dj Quiva
Ecdysis - Molting
Don't we all at times feel constrained by the rigidity of our exoskeleton? Perhaps we feel a simple need to grow, or perhaps an urge to metamorphose into something entirely new. Either way, we must go through a painful, yet necessary ecdysis(wiki), the moulting of that old skin in favor of a new, plian...
Dj Quiva
Beautiful Butterflies
Dj Quiva
Bed Bugs
Dj Quiva
Velvet Worm vs. Beetle
Watch this video of a velvet worm (great band name!) and be thankful that you aren't a diminutive arthropod. source -- Edited by Jollyjo on Friday 28th of August 2009 08:53:37 AM
Dj Quiva
jeweled beetle
How does the jeweled beetle manage to look green despite not having any green pigment in their exoskeleton? Magic, that's how. Quick, someone go tell Traditional Chinese Medicine peddlers: they can cook up a new aphrodisiac. Actually, there' a less magical, but still fascinating explanation: th...
Dj Quiva
It's high time we had another dobsonfly post. Enjoy this video of a dude handling one. And getting squirted by it. Enjoy your lunch. source
Dj Quiva
Monster Wasp Nests
Warmer winters have led to some interesting developments. Take the image below, for instance. An Alabama man decided not to eradicate the yellow jacket nest that had blossomed in his old '55 Chevy truck. He let it run wild, and this was the result. If the average yellow jacket's nest houses 3,000 wasp...
Dj Quiva
Ants for life raft to float their colony to a new spot
Ants really are amazing creatures, as seen here when they form a life raft to float their colony to a new spot. I can't imagine what it would be like to go for a swim in the ol' watering hole, only to come up for air in the middle of this. I don't think it'd go well for you. [video=http://www.youtube.com/wat...
Dj Quiva
Someone i know are afraid of this insect >_> really Grasshoppers have antennae that are almost always shorter than the body (sometimes filamentous), and shortovipositors. Those species that make easily heard noises usually do so by rubbing the hind femurs against the forewings or abdom...
This Week's Sci-Fi Worthy Parasite: Cotesia glomerata
Parasitic wasps are always an easy target as sci-fi parasites. After all, they were the main inspiration behind the film "Alien" - clearly they're 'sci-fi worthy'. They all do terrible, mean things to their hosts while they eat them alive from the inside out. And, simply, they're just really, reall...
Dj Quiva
Mermithid Nematodes:This Week's Sci-Fi Worthy Parasite
There are a lot of parasites that cause strange changes in their hosts. Parasites turn hosts into zombiesgorge on the flesh of the host from the inside out, even assist a host's suicide. But one of the most interesting and extreme changes caused by a parasite is achieved by the mermithid nematode. Sim...
Dj Quiva
Liver Fluke Life
Here's a story of zombies, parasitic mind control, and livers. In the end, I take away a cautionary tale from it, one that I'll pass on to my kids (the smaller ones at least): don't eat snail slime. Prepare for some erudition on the liver fluke. Source -- Edited by Jollyjo on Saturday 15th of August 2009 0...
Dj Quiva
Puss caterpillar
They look furry and can kill you :D if you touch them=| yep caterpillars can kill too or severely harm you lol It looks soooo fluffy O.O The caterpillars grow to about 1 inch long and are furry in appearance, being completely covered by thick tan to grayish-white hairs that taper toward the back end. Amo...
Parasitic flies turn fire ants into zombies
It sounds like something out of science fiction: zombie fire ants. But it's all too real. Fire ants wander aimlessly away from the mound. Eventually their heads fall off, and they die. The strange part is that researchers at the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M's AgriLife Extension Se...
Dj Quiva
Parasitic Wasp Kills Aphids - Aphid Killer
Here's a black wasp, who turns out to be quite adept at controlling aphid colonies. Watch her as she injects eggs into as many as 200 individual aphids with surgical precision. Watch the waspling grow, kill the aphid, and emerge. Via Uglyoverload See something similar with flies and fire- ants here [...
Dj Quiva
Scientists Discover All-Female Ant Species that Reproduces by Cloning
A group of Amazonian ants have evolved an extremely unusual social system: They are all female and reproduce via cloning. Though their sexual organs have virtually disappeared, they have also gained some extraordinary abilities. University of Arizona biologist Anna Himler orginally beg...
Dj Quiva
longhorn beetle
This is called a Serra-Pau, which I believe is Portuguese for a variety of longhorn beetle. But don't quote me. Maybe a Brazilian etomologist can clear this up. I've never thought to look a longhorn beetle in the mouth, but now that I have, I'm surprised. I've come to expect nasty mandibles and articul...
Dj Quiva
Lady Bug larva = cannibal
It might not be readily apparent to you, but these are some of your favorite bugs. They've been featured in countless children's movies and books, they're on hallmark cards, and they're one of the many symbols of Spring. You're looking at ladybug larvae. More specifically, you're looking at Asian l...
Dj Quiva
Giant hornet nest - Vespa affinis.
What's This? What's this? Perhaps close-ups of new fiber weaves or shots of this year's quilting contest runner-up? Is this what a teddy bear's hide looks like under magnification? Is it soft? Can I make a pillow out of it? Photo source: EnglishRussia.com No, you're looking at an obscenely large hor...
Dj Quiva
Dracula ant
This article from the mental floss blog. It's a tale of six fascinating ant species. First we have a Madagascar specimen called the Dracula ant (Adetomyrma sp.). But I don't think Dracula did anything quite like these ants. You see, they feed on the blood of their own larvae. Here's how it goes: the lar...
Dj Quiva
Strongest creature in the world
-- Edited by konvict01 on Saturday 14th of March 2009 07:45:39 PM