New Wooly Rat
At last, there's an island that isn't Madagascar that's yielding a new species. Unfortunately, it's a rat. A giant, cat-sized, wooly rat. Papua New Guinea's Mount Bosavi and its crater are home to all sorts of giant rats, which makes it a charming place in all sorts of ways. Bosavi, which hasn't ever s...
Rats and Anxiety Study
Modern science agrees that anxiety produces all sorts of negative changes in the body. A recent study on rats suggests that the damage done by anxiety begins practically at the onset of anxiety. According to Science News, scientists used electrodes on some of the rats to simulate what happens in the...
Dj Quiva
Bald raccoon prowling Parkdale?
You're looking at Baldy, a hairless raccoon living in Toronto. Though images that have surfaced of her prompted all sorts of speculation as to what she might be, she's definitely a female raccoon. How do we know? She's given birth to healthy raccoon babies. That's a pretty good clue. Neighbors start...
Dj Quiva
Blue Rats Move Again After Food-Dye Injection
This rat (shown pre-treatment) had its spinal cord injured while under anesthesia (a weight was dropped on its back) and then recovered its ability to take clumsy steps 42 days after having been given a derivative of a common blue food coloring, according to a study published July 27, 2009, by the Pro...
Dj Quiva
Gene Doctors Milk Mice; Yield Human Breast Milk Protein
An experimental farm in Russia could soon be producing human breast milk substitutes following successful milking trials on mice, scientists report. Thanks to human genes spliced into their genome, the mice are the first genetically modified animals to produce lactoferrin. This human breast m...
Dj Quiva
New Rodent
A team of scientists working in southeast Asia have discovered a new species of rodent - the Kha-nyou. Drawing of Laonastes © Robert Timmins The Kha-nyou, or Laotian rock rat, looks similar to a squirrel, with long whiskers, short legs and a tail covered in dense hair. It is dark grey to black, noctur...
Rescue rodents
His highly sensitive nose can sniff out explosives at 50 paces. And because he weighs a mere 3lb, there is no chance of him setting them off when he finds them. Kofi the Gambian pouched rat is the latest weapon in the battle against landmines - the relics of war that litter large parts of Africa and kill th...
Spud, the Mystery of Tiggywinkles
-->No one knows what's wrong with Spud. He was given to the staff at Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital in Buckinghamshire, UK, back in August, and they are still baffled. What's wrong with Spud? He's a spineless hedgehog. No, that's not a euphemism for cowardice. He's literally a hedgehog sans-sp...
Dj Quiva
The smallest Rodent...