It might not be readily apparent to you, but these are some of your favorite bugs. They've been featured in countless children's movies and books, they're on hallmark cards, and they're one of the many symbols of Spring.
You're looking at ladybug larvae. More specifically, you're looking at Asian ladybird larvae (Harmonia axyridis). These insects were introduced to North America decades ago for pest abatement. But they don't just dine on aphids, though we appreciate that. These insects also dine on other ladybird beetles, including their own species, as seen in these graphic photos, where Harmonia larvae are feasting on Harmonia pupa. Can't a ladybird pupate in peace?
That's right. Ladybugs are cannibals. That's like finding out that Care Bears and unicorns are cannibals. I just sucked some of the sunshine out of your day, didn't I? Sorry about that. Source